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Work Life (And School!) Balance
What is one thing that college students do not have a lot of, but want more of? Money.
However, balancing school work and a job can be challenging, especially when you also want to have time being social and active. Here are a few tips to find a good part time job during college, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while doing so.
Find a part time job that is flexible.
With changing class schedules and differences in the amount of school work that is given each week, find a job that allows you to change your schedule when needed. Food service can be a great place for college students to have part time jobs! Work studies can also be great options for students because they are only during the school year, and are very flexible!
When a part time job requires too much time commitment, get a side hustle!
Side hustles can be jobs that you work as much or little as you wish, and can be great ways to make a little extra money without the commitment of a part time job. One great side hustle that I have found to be flexible and great for my schedule is babysitting for friends. Other examples of side hustles that college students often have include photography businesses, using a craft or skill to make and sell products, or DJing. Check out this article written by Joseph Freemont to read about how he turned his DJing side hustle into a business!
Be sure not to over schedule yourself—you and your health come first!
We all want to make money and get good grades, but it is important to make time for yourself and your social life as well. Keep your priorities straight- self-care and health comes first, then good grades, then making some extra money. Be sure to remember this and schedule time just for you! I like to make sure I am home by 9:00pm every night so that I can have time to decompress- find what works for you!
Keep in mind, working while in school is not for everyone!
If having a part time job or a side hustle makes you stressed, or does not allow you to have time to keep up with your school work- it is okay not to have one! Don’t be afraid to leave a position because it does not give you the flexibility you need, or if it becomes too much to do. I have had to do it a couple of times, and it has been the best decision for me each time.
Having a part time job or a side hustle can be a great thing to make a little extra money, but always make sure your health and well-being comes first. Find time for you, and if you have some extra time to spare, maybe picking up a part time job is the right thing for you!
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