Branded Banner CSS tricks: edit directly in banner widget
Advanced > Mode > DetailCssClass AND ListCssClass (enter in both areas)
- hero-gradient-cover: applies the darkened shading for the banner image
- hero-connect-cover: applies the subtle connect symbol over the background
- hero-below-menu: pushes the banner below the menu so that it is not transparently visible through the main navigation
Overlay text: Add content block above breadcrumb area (make sure it's the same width box as breadcrumb widget [or page intro if breadcrumb is missing].)
Advanced > CSS Wrapper class
- hero-overlay: places text block over banner
Powerful subheading goes here
Really drive the point home with a branded emotional hook. Try not to exceed 8-10 words & a max of 200 characters, including spaces. Don’t use line breaks. This example is 36 words and 200 characters.
Content Block #1
Here's your text block to include welcoming, friendly informative content — about 100 words max. this example block is 95 words.
Our voice and tone are heart-driven and human. Write like you're talking to a teen and/or his/her/their parents. They're not here for an academic lecture, they're searching for the perfect college fit.
These pages are hidden from search engines, so no need to worry about writing for bots. Humans are probably on their cellie, so keep paragraphs and sentences short and sweet so the CTA isn't too far away for scrolling fingers.
Embedded Slate form
![access-3 professor teaching](
This is an amazing quote about that one time we did that thing.
— Test Student, '19
Content Block #2
A space to include a maximum of 200 words even more relationship-building, persuasive copy. This can be formatted as tight, bright paragraphs. Or ...
- You can use this space for a bullet list.
- This example block, including the component summary guidelines below, is 197 words.
Summary of Components & Guidelines
Current wisdom is that 500 - 700 words on a landing page is just enough content to begin developing trust — yet not so much that it induces user fatigue.
- page intro = aim for 8-10 words. 200 characters (w/spaces) max
- embedded form option = max 150 words
- Content block #1 = max 100 words
- embedded form = max 50 words
- parallax button basic copy option combo = max 150 words
- content block #1 = max 100 words
- billboard area content = max 50 words
- parallax billboard w/ compelling content = max 150 words
- content block 1 = max 50 words
- billboard area content = max 100 words
- testimonial = max 50 words
- content block #2 = max 200 words
- optional callout = 50 words max
Optional: call out some cool stuff
A space to feature something for your target audience — 50 words max.
- image/copy can be swapped out to the left or to the right
- on mobile, image left moves above copy/right image below copy
- grey fog stripe background is optional.
- post formatted text, like bullets.
- this example is 50 words.