Trexler Library Suggestion Box Updates
Trexler Library is committed to providing the best space and resources for our students, so we've decided to begin posting regular updates to the suggestions we get in our Suggestion Box.
We recently received a few requests to turn up the temperature in the library; we have contacted Facilities about raising the temperature in the library.
We also got a suggestion that we remain open all night during finals week. We have looked into doing so several times in the past and it currently isn't feasible. Trexler doesn't have enough staff to cover the overnight hours and our usage statistics for 12 a.m. – 2 a.m show there aren't enough people in the building to justify the additional hours.
Lastly, there were a few requests to add items to the library. One was to get a stapler and hole punch for the second floor wireless printing area. We ordered one of each, and they'll be set out by the printer once they arrive. The other request was for seasons 5 and 6 of Game of Thrones, which we also ordered and will be adding to our collection in the near future.
Thank you to all our patrons who participate in our Suggestion Box!